For 3rd year Cosmo Study Abroad organises a Winter Student Camp in Dubai that is a combination of studies and holiday at the same time. The Winter Camp in Dubai 2022 is targeting students from primary and high schools aged 10-18 years, who are motivated to improve their English in the so called “real field” so that they can overcome the foreign language mind barrier.
It is a well-known fact that a foreign language can be learnt more easily in a country where it is widely spoken and definitely not that easy by the usual and boring way in class with dictionary and studbook. This is exactly what makes this type of camps so valuable for the young kids.
Here are some more reason to consider when you thinking of joining the Winter Camp in Dubai:
- young students meet their fellow students from over 20 different countries and create new international friendships. The friendly environment and the positive emotions are another factor that influences the improvement of a foreign language.
- Kids get to meet new and different cultures which helps them to broad their horizons and views
- Apart from the valuable language knowledge, students have the benefit of visiting all famous sightseeing places in Dubai which actually makes their camp looks more like a luxury holiday rather than study holiday only.
- Last, but not least, students can focus their daily lessons on 2 profile subject by their choice – Leadership, Mathematics, Second foreign language, Arts and others.
Winter Camp Dubai is located in the biggest student campus in Dubai – the Myriad, which is named “the most luxurious student campus in the world” due to its excellent facilities including comfy rooms with own bathroom, swimming pool, computer rooms, campus shop, GYM, play rooms etc.
Why is it so important for students in high school to attend such camps?
Because admission to world best universities such as IVY League and TOP 100 best universities in the world requires extracurricular activities, projects and camps attendance.