Individual application consultations
Program orientation consultation and Career orientation test
Filtering Best Universities by Top universities ranking and speciality according to Student’s profile
Providing a full list of detailed profile cards of each university and each program
Package application services
Assisting students with the writing and editing of CV, motivational letter, motivational essays
Assisting student’s teacher or employer with the writing and editing of recommendation letters
Providing Exam’s preparation materials such as notes and books
Consultancy for scholarships and subsidies
Explaining all options for external financing of your degree such as bursaries, scholarships, grants and helping the student applying for them
Zhaneta Dimitrova , Dimitrovgrad
МА Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Politecnico
di Milano, Italy
Cosmo's experts are highly competent in education abroad. They are directly interested in their client and monitor their status every day. Generally, they catch you and they lead you throughout the process. And once they have helped you to enter your chosen university and specialty, they remain available and you can always rely on them for guidance.
Velislava Nikolova , Sofia
MA International Мanagеment - Interntional
University of Monaco
With the help of Cosmo I was successfully admitted to the University in which I wanted to apply.
The professional attitude of the Cosmo experts and the excellent work on my application saved mу time and money because I was directly accepted in the second semester of the program I was applying for
Ilyas El Khaili, Marrrakesh, Morocco
BA in Law - McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
I am extremely pleased to recommend Cosmo experts who not only helped me to enter one of the best universities in Canada and TOP 25 best law schools in the world but also saved me a great deal of effort and time in the application process and finding a dormitory in Canada.
Stay in the hands of world education experts - they know
More about COSMO and education abroad through the prism of our students:
Success speaks for ourselves
Total number of enrolled students
Accepted bachelor degree students
Accepted master degree students
Accepted MBA degree students
Dubai Winter Camp
For 3rd year Cosmo Study Abroad organises a Winter Student Camp in Dubai that is a combination of studies and holiday…
Не бива да се отчайвате, ако скоро броихте до 12, а все още не сте кандидатствали. Имате възможност да кандидатствате…
STEM специалности – Професии на бъдещето
В последните години има '’пренасищане’' със специалисти по Бизнес, Икономика, Хуманитарни науки, а недостатъчно хора,…
Най-добрите университети в Нидерландия очакват своите студенти онлайн
През март тази година, поради обявената пандемия в страната, всички нидерландски университети направиха преход към…
ТОП 10 на най-желаните професии в следващите 10г.
Замисля ли ли сте се кога и как са възникнали част от най-известните и доходоносни професии в света? А сега…